I want a kitten! How do I book?

Prima pagină » I want a kitten! How do I book?
Pui pisic siberiana de vanzare | Felisa Nobilissima

Siberian kitten for your home

If you decided to welcome a Siberian kitten raised by us into your life, we thank you for your trust and we’ll do everything to make this a very pleasant experience, including the purchase of the kitten.

Genetic tests performed

All our breeding cats are genetically tested for the most common diseases in this breed, precisely to ensure that the kittens are not genetic carriers of these diseases.

Kittens leave our cattery:

  • t the age of 3.5 months
  • when they have completed the vaccination scheme
  • anti-rabies quarantine
  • 3 internal dewormings
  • completed vitaminization scheme
  • sterilization operation and post-operative recovery

Kitten comes with:

» WCF pedigree
» health book or health passport
» contract 
» copies of parents genetical tests.

siberian cat for sale | Nobilissima Cattery

Lots of love for Siberian kittens

We raise them in the house, with us, used to all the human noises, actions and objects. Although temper is transmitted genetically anyway, we make sure that our kittens are socialized and prepared to give and receive love in the new family.

We get them used to:

» nail trimming
» bathing and drying
» and especially daily brushing, an important routine to follow for this breed, in order not to make tangles in the fur.

pui pisica siberiana traditionala si neva masquerade - Felisa Nobilissima

Advance, reservation, contract

After choosing the kitten meant for you, the reservation becomes active upon signing the contract and paying the advance, respectively 30% of the full amount. From this moment you will receive updates with pictures and videos from important events and the kitten’s progress. When the kitten reaches the required age and is ready, you can take it. We prefer that the pick-up to be direct, between us, and not by courier, whether they are also authorized.
Datorita cererilor pe care le avem, lucram cu lista de asteptare.


Due to the requests we have, we are working with a waiting list.

About the waiting list

For a kitten that will be part of your life in the next 15-20 years, we encourage you to be open to wait a necessary period. We will find out from you exactly what siberian you wish for, a girl or a boy, what color, the temperament necessary to best suit your living conditions ( if you have other cats or dogs, children etc.). When registering on the waiting list, after we find out what exactly you want, we can tell you approximately when we will be able to have the kitten for you.

To reserve Nobilissima kittens, we contact the people on the waiting list in order of registration. The exception is for a customer who wants again another kitten from us and also when someone wants 2 kittens from the same litter. These two options have priority.

When the baby for you is born, we will call you and follow the reservation process.

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recenzie client nobilissima cattery Romania pisica siberiana
recenzie client nobilissima cattery Romania pisica siberiana
recenzie client nobilissima cattery Romania pisica siberiana

Read all received reviews directly on our facebook page

siberian kittens all around the world from nobilissima cattery in Romania

We are happy to be able to offer our Siberian kittens loving and caring homes all around the world

From the hustle and bustle of the cities, to the picturesque scenery of mountain villages or the enchanting tranquility, our kitties are captivated by the comforts of their forever home wherever they are.

Areas where Siberian kittens from our cattery live so far:

Switzerland, France, Italy, Romania, Sweden, Finland, Canada

Arad, Cluj, Timisoara, Ilfov, Bucharest, Iasi, Streaja, Prahova

felisa nobilissima pisici siberiene Romania

Siberian cats

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